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Source of Life - Premium Activated Charcoal USP

Source of Life - Premium Activated Charcoal USP

Source of Life
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Activated charcoal is a remarkable cleansing agent for the body. Heat-treated in such a way that the surface of the charcoal is made jagged and craggy for the maximization of surface area, activated charcoal can bind and remove toxins with which it comes in contact.

Remarkably versatile, activated charcoal may help with a number of health issues including relief of excess gas/flatulence (consult your healthcare practitioner to find out all its potential uses).

Common uses for USP-certified / medicinal-use charcoal such as this include poison control, detox supplementation, dental cleansing, and the extraction of toxins from wounds. Charcoal from Source of Life is available in capsule or powdered form.

Canadian product. Contains no: preservatives, artificial flavours or colours, corn, wheat, soy, peanut, lactose, yeast, or added sugar or salt. All vegetarian.

USP is the acronym for United States Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplement Verification Program, which ensures the product: Contains the ingredients listed on the label, in the declared potency and amounts; Does not contain harmful levels of specified contaminants; Will break down and release into the body within a specified amount of time; and, Has been made according to FDA current Good Manufacturing Practices using sanitary and well-controlled procedures.

Suggested Usage:

An equivalent amount (4g) of powder can be used for the same purposes, but some may also want to use it for charcoal poultices, facial masks, skin cleansers, or even mix it with tooth paste for a more thorough scrubbing.


Do not take activated charcoal within two hours of taking other medications because the effect of the other medication may be reduced. Do not administer to children under 12 except with doctor approval.