Bake Just Once And Enjoy Keto Brownies For A Whole Week - No Special Ingredients Needed!
If you often find yourself drooling over Keto dessert recipes you see over the internet, but don’t have the time to bake…
Now you can satisfy your sweet cravings without having to spend hours preparing and cooking!
Kiss My Keto Baking Mix lets you easily make your own delicious brownies from home - lightning fast and with no mess. All you have to do is bake a batch once a week and your brownies will be good for you to indulge for an entire week in your fridge! (And up to a month in the freezer).
You don’t need any special extra ingredients either. The only additional ingredients you need are easily found in your fridge. Just add eggs and butter with Keto Baking Mix and you’ll have delicious, ready-to-eat Keto brownies in no time!
Oh, and don’t sweat the carbs either… Because each serving contains just 2 grams of net carbs! So savor one of three delicious flavors like: Chocolate Brownie, Shortbread Cookie or Snickerdoodle Cookie without worrying about the carbs!
How Can Keto Baking Mix Contain Just 2 Grams Of Net Carbs But Still Be Sweet?
Kiss My Keto Baking Mix is sweetened with a special type of sweetener called allulose. It is a type of “rare sugar” that DOESN’T get fully absorbed into your bloodstream… And the vast majority of it passed out through urine!
This means it DOESN’T cause blood glucose spikes. Nor does it get metabolized. This makes allulose the perfect sweetener for the Keto lifestyle as it doesn’t contribute toward your daily carb limit.
It’s also very low in calories compared to sugar - and only contains about a tenth of the calories!
Allulose is how Keto Baking Mix stays delicious without limiting your carb options!
So whip up some Keto brownies and indulge while staying in Ketosis!